Full Credits
Professor Christine Bigby and Dr Lincoln Humphreys, Living with Disability Research Centre
Video production
Website development
Linda Wong, website consultant
Graphics design
Melanie Hayes, Living with Disability Research Centre
Supported by grant funding from the Australian Government through the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
Thank you:
Peta Khan, Leigh Bramall and the Maitree team
Jo Kot, Susan Hatswell and Greystanes Disability Services
Cathy Gauci and Unisson disability services
Tara Sheridan, Ashleigh Griffin, Linton Ashley and Golden City Support Services
The actors, disability support staff and people supported by Greystanes Disability Services, Unisson Disability Services and Golden City Support Services who participated in the videos
Colleagues from across the disability sector whose reviews of Every Moment Has Potential formed the basis for these revised resources and who reviewed the new material